UPCI Ministry Licensing

Announcement: Application Deadlines are March 1st, and September 1st
Benefits of Licensing
Your ministry will never be defined by a license with an organization, nor will having a license prove that you are a minister. Truly, ministry is an outflow of the heart of every disciple of Jesus, and men and women have changed the world for centuries through faithfulness and the power of the Holy Spirit.
However, becoming licensed with an organization such as the UPCI does have many benefits. Here are a few:
Recognition and credibility
Becoming licensed with the United Pentecostal Church, International (UPCI) provides ministers with recognition as a licensed minister and increases their credibility in the eyes of the public and other members of the church community.
Access to resources and support
Licensed ministers with the UPCI have access to a range of resources and support, including training and development opportunities, spiritual guidance and counseling, and access to a network of fellow ministers for support and collaboration.
Opportunities for growth and advancement
The UPCI provides licensed ministers with opportunities for growth and advancement, including leadership and pastoral roles, as well as opportunities to participate in mission work and other ministry initiatives.
Connection to a larger community
By becoming licensed with the UPCI, ministers become part of a larger community of believers who share a common mission and vision. This connection provides a sense of belonging and support, as well as opportunities to collaborate and build relationships with other ministers and members of the church community.
Demonstrating a commitment to ministry
Obtaining a license with the UPCI demonstrates a minister’s commitment to their calling and their dedication to serving the Lord through their ministry. This demonstrates to others their willingness to adhere to the standards and principles set forth by the UPCI, and reinforces the importance of their ministry work.
Privileges and Requirements of Licensing
Following are the categories of Licensing, and informative expectations for each. Review the information, accomplish the appropriate training and requirements for your license level, and then advance to the application process.
The Christian Ministry License is a great step toward recognition in ministry, and for many it is a valid final step. What a treasure it is to work for the Lord within your local congregation, under the direction of your spiritual leader! This church-specific license is not required prior to becoming licensed with the UPCI, but is a wonderful opportunity for those new to ministry and discerning their calling.
A pastor may grant a Christian Ministry License to any member(s) he or she considers eligible. The local pastor sets the limitations on the scope of ministry and term of service of anyone holding a Christian Ministry License.
A person holding a Christian Ministry License has standing only under the auspices of his or her local congregation and is not considered a credentialed minister of the UPCI.
Ministry Central has a required course for the Christian Ministry License that is required for licensing in the local church. To obtain the certificate of completion for this training course, the student must watch a series of 36 videos from renowned and reputable ministers.
A local license is the first level of the ministerial licensing process.
- A subscription to the Pentecostal Herald
- A subscription to the Forward Magazine
- A life insurance package
- Performing funeral ceremonies
- Applicant must be seventeen (17) years of age or older
- Applicant must believe in the Oneness of God
- Applicant must have been baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ
- Applicant must have been baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues
- Applicant must be living a holy life according to the Scriptures as explained in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church International
- Must have the recommendation of his or her local pastor and must be faithful to that local church.
- Comply with both UPCI dues and Michigan District Budget Fees policy
Preaching Requirements
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week for six (6) months. The District Board may make exceptions to this requirement. Teaching Sunday school classes or leading services does not meet the requirement.
Ministry Central Training
Applicants are required to complete the LOCAL LICENSE credentialing training course provided through Ministry Central to obtain ministerial license with the UPCI. Each credentialing level includes 10 training courses.
A General license is the second level of the ministerial licensing process.
- A subscription to the Pentecostal Herald
- A subscription to the Forward Magazine
- A life insurance package
- Performing funeral ceremonies
- Performing wedding ceremonies
- Performing practically all duties and responsibilities of the ministry
- Applicant must be seventeen (17) years of age or older
- Applicant must believe in the Oneness of God
- Applicant must have been baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ
- Applicant must have been baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues
- Applicant must be living a holy life according to the Scriptures as explained in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church International
- Applicant must be engaged at present in the ministry as a pastor, full-time evangelist, assistant pastor, elected or appointed official, or full-time Bible college administrator or instructor. An exception to this may be made by the District Board for those who have graduated from a school endorsed by the United Pentecostal Church International; the Board may grant him or her a general or local license at their discretion.
- An applicant who is not a graduate from a UPCI-endorsed school must have held a local license for at least one (1) year
- Applicant must have proven their ministry for one (1) year
- Must have the recommendation of his or her local pastor and must be faithful to that local church.
- Comply with both UPCI dues and Michigan District Budget Fees policy
Preaching Requirements
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week for twelve (12) months. Exceptions to this requirement may be made by the District Board. Teaching Sunday school classes or leading services does not meet the requirement.
Ministry Central Training
Applicants are required to complete the GENERAL LICENSE credentialing training course provided through Ministry Central to obtain ministerial license with the UPCI. Each credentialing level includes 10 training courses.
Ordination is the third and final level of the ministerial licensing process. It is the fulfillment of the scriptural process of recognition, endorsement, and anointing.
- A subscription to the Pentecostal Herald
- A subscription to the Forward Magazine
- A life insurance package
- Performing funeral ceremonies
- Performing wedding ceremonies
- Performing practically all duties and responsibilities of the ministry
- The possibility of holding office
- Applicant must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older
- Applicant must believe in the Oneness of God
- Applicant must have been baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ
- Applicant must have been baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues
- Applicant must be living a holy life according to the Scriptures as explained in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church International
- Applicant must have held a general license for at least two (2) years.
- Applicant must have proven their ministry for two (2) consecutive years
- Applicant must at present be a pastor, full-time evangelist, assistant pastor, appointed or elected official, full-time Bible college administrator, or instructor
- Any exceptions to the above would be at the discretion of the District Board
- Comply with both UPCI dues and Michigan District Budget Fees policy
Ministry Central Training
Applicants are required to complete the ORDINATION credentialing training course provided through Ministry Central to obtain ministerial license with the UPCI. Each credentialing level includes 10 training courses.
Why Licensing?
- Establish Credibility: Licensed UPCI Minister
- Unleash Your Potential: Resources and Support
- Advance Your Ministry: Opportunities for Growth
- Join a United Community: Connect with Other Believers
- Demonstrate your Commitment: Show Your Commitment to Ministry
The Licensing Process At A Glance
- Review and accomplish the requirements
- Complete the relevant training
- Complete the digital application
- Pastor submits Confidential Report
- Contact your Presbyter for an interview appointment
- Meet the District Board at Spring or Fall Conference
Apply for License Online
- Please note: Application Deadlines are March 1st, and September 1st.
- As of February 1 2023, only online applications will be accepted. If you’ve already filled out a paper application, you will be required to re-apply online.
New Licenses
If you’re not currently licensed with the UPCI, it will be necessary for your Pastor to initiate this application at wa.upci.org and sign in using their upciministers.org login credentials. An email will then be sent to your inbox with further instructions.
License Upgrades
If you’re applying for a ministerial license upgrade, you can begin by visiting wa.upci.org and selecting and signing in with your upciministers.org login credentials. Of course, you may contact our office at any time if you have any questions throughout this ministerial license application process.
Online Application Instructions
Instructions for Bible College Students
How to Apply
View the video for complete instructions and license walkthrough.
- Download Instructions – Applicants and Pastors
- Complete Online Application
- Fill out Insurance Form (Spanish Version)
- Request Free Credit Report and submit to District Office
- Pastor must submit Confidential Pastor’s Report
Michigan Budget Fees Policy
- All UPCI licensed ministers are responsible for national and district Budget Fees.
- National dues are paid to the United Pentecostal Church International, and are invoiced from the UPCI headquarters each quarter. Amounts, deadlines, payment methods, and nonpayment penalties are outlined in the UPCI manual.
- Your Michigan District Budget Fees are separate from your national dues. The Michigan District Ministerial Budget Fees Policy is as follows:
- Each minister in the district shall pay Budget Fees to the Michigan District.
- Budget Fees are set as follows:
- Local, General, and Ordained: $80 per month
- NAM Missionaries: $40 per month
- Retired Status: Ministers 65 years of age or older facing financial hardship may request a 50% reduction in Budget Fees.
- Fee changes must be made by District Conference approval.
- Budget Fee payments shall be sent to the District Secretary/Treasurer by the end of each quarter for that quarter. Note: You will not be invoiced from the District office. Payment history can be accessed through our ministers’ portal at midistrict.breezechms.org.
- Ministers with a remaining delinquent account will be invoiced at the end of the quarter. After 30 days delinquent, the minister will be notified of their delinquency by official notice and assessed a $50 processing fee. If a minister does not pay their outstanding dues within 45 days, the District Board will recommend to the UPCI Credentials Committee that the minister’s credentials be terminated. A minister may request a meeting with the District Board to discuss this matter before the 45 day deadline if he or she desires.
- All accounts must be current by the end of each calendar year. All mail postmarked by December 31 will be recorded within that calendar year.
- Ministerial Budget Fees may be mailed to the following address:
- Michigan District UPCI
PO Box 888461
Kentwood, MI 49512 - Ministerial Budget Fees may also be paid online at www.midistrict.org/give .
Dues and Fees
UPCI membership dues can be paid annually, quarterly, or monthly.
Annual membership dues:
- Ordination: $398.00
- General: $386.00
- Local: $374.00
Michigan District Budget Fees
Michigan District budget fees can be paid annually, quarterly, or monthly.
Annual budget fees:
- Local, General, and Ordination: $960.00
- North American Missionaries: $480.00
- Retired Ministers: $480.00
Contact Us
If you'd like to reach our District Office, please fill out and submit the fields below.
Office Mailing Address
PO Box 888461
Kentwood, MI 49588
Office Email
Office Phone
(616) 745-1487